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Benefits Of A Color Consultation With Interior Painting

Benefits Of A Color Consultation With Interior Painting

Most of us find out that choosing colors can be the most difficult part of an interior painting project. If you are planning to hire a Farmington painting contractor, choose one who offers color consultation as part of their service like ours at Perkins Painting, LLC.

With a professional color consultation, anyone can have expert advice to find the right design scheme.

With a professional consultation, the consultant will pay close attention to your wants, likes, and dislikes. Your personal design style needs to be discovered if you don’t have a clue what you like.

Your consultant should ask you a lot of questions in this case. You need to find out what you are drawn to. To narrow down the process in the meantime, you can ask yourself a few simple questions and give it some good thought.

Questions Your Color Consultant May Ask

Let’s practice with picking three colors. First, during the design consultation your consultant may ask you what colors you know you don’t like. This way, you know what colors to avoid.

Second, you may be asked what colors make you feel good. And, it will matter what area of the home you intend to paint. If you know you love yellow or light colors, you may not want to paint the bedroom in this scheme unless the tone is shaded a little for relaxation purposes.

Third, you may be asked to choose between colors. If you can find one color you like out of ten, your design consultant can work from there. The next step is to choose colors that look good with the color you liked.

Finding one color may be difficult. If it is, ask yourself whether you enjoy being indoors or outdoors the most.

Then if it’s outdoors, consider either whether you like the blues of mountains and oceans, the greens of forests and lush valleys, or the soft sand-tones of beaches or mountains and desert sands.

If indoors, ask yourself what area of the home is your favorite. Also look around at features, paintings, photographs, and other design elements. Try to focus on one color that draws you in and makes you feel good.

Color Consultations Targeted To Your Personal Lifestyle

Another aspect of your design consultation may be to choose colors based on your activity lifestyle. Do you like to sit and read? Then you probably also prefer to sit in a bubble bath than take a quick shower and shave.

People with more active lifestyles tend to be drawn to brighter, lighter colors with some vibrancy. Those who enjoy peace and quiet are drawn more toward neutral tones.

Finally, you can think about the seasons of the year that you prefer. If you love the holidays, you may be drawn to more dark greens and reds. If it’s fall, you may love the golds, yellows, rich browns, and orange earth tones. If spring, you may love some touches of vibrant colors that come from blooms set against a hazy beautiful green.

Envisioning what moves you in everyday life can help you choose the right colors for your interior painting project. If all else fails, your color consultant will have a few extra tricks up their sleeves! All in all, you’ll get the best possible result when you choose to work with a painting color consultant.

If you would like to learn more or need a Farmington Painting Contractor who provides Color Consultations with their services, call Perkins Painting, LLC at 860-666-8850 or complete our online request form.

If you need painting from our Central CT & Farmington Valley painting contractor, then please call 860-666-8850 or complete our online request form.