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Do You Paint The Trim or Walls First?

Do You Paint The Trim or Walls First?

When people decide to paint the interior of their homes, they will discover there are many issues that need to be addressed. Questions might range from what color is best from an aesthetic aspect, to whether the trim around the windows, baseboards and ceiling should be painted first or should they begin with the walls.

It is difficult for some people to start with the walls, without making the mistake of brushing the color intended for the walls on the trim areas. Unless they have a steady hand, we think it would be better for most individuals to begin on the border regions, with the assistance of painter’s tape.

We believe revealing a few steps about our process could be helpful for those planning a DIY painting project.

* Initially, our highly trained painters put down drop cloths to make sure splatters and splashes do not ruin the flooring. Of course, the room should be free of furnishings or at the least, completely covered.

* Next, we make sure we clean and sand the trim regions. After vacuuming the particles, we pass over the areas of the borders with a specialized cloth designed to remove excess debris and dust. This helps to produce a smooth surface for the application of the paint.

* After the trim areas are coated and the paint has completely dried, we mask the perimeter surrounding the casings of the windows, as well as the borders of the baseboard and ceiling with painter’s tape.

* On thoroughly washed walls, we make sure all blemishes such as cracks, dents and holes are patched. Next, we apply a coat of primer, to ensure the surfaces of the walls have a uniform appearance.

* We then proceed in using a small brush to paint close to the trims and casings; making sure not to extend over the barrier of the tape.

Using a roller or spraying device, we quickly roll or spread the paint out to prevent it from overlapping, giving an uneven aspect.

* This method of rolling or spraying the coats of paint and spreading them out (also known as feathering) at the edges, keeps our paint job from becoming botched. By making sure we have plenty of paint on our roller or in our sprayer, we are able to continue to repeat the action, which keeps the paint from drying out.

* At the end, our contractors gingerly remove the painter’s tape with a special knife, while being careful not to damage the trim.

Overall, a person has to make the final choice in deciding if they want to attempt this type of chore.

For individuals who feel the whole experience seems like a hassle, it would be a good idea for them to contact a reputable business to perform the task. Taking this approach, will allow people to deal with other important matters, while having peace of mind knowing professionals are performing the job.

For folks living near Central Connecticut and Farmington Valley, feel free to contact us at Perkins Painting, LLC LLC if you require experienced painting contractors, our knowledgeable staff will be happy to assist you, as well as answer your inquiries.

If you need interior painting from our Central CT & Farmington Valley painting contractor, then please call 860-666-8850 or complete our online request form.